mercoledì 13 marzo 2013

Madonna di Campiglio, Italy (Eng)

Madonna di Campiglio
Dolomiti tres chic...
Fantastic Dolomiti di Brenta

Madonna di Campiglio is one of those places that, by only pronouncing its name, recalls many stereotypes such as women in fur coat, luxury cars, yuppies, sax music in the background. Basically a very 80s style place! At least that was what I had in mind before going there for the very first time ...
In fact Campiglio (everyone calls it this way... so I will adapt), is a beautiful little town in the middle of an amazing ski area. Very crowded at any time of the year, the village is developed along the main road. Dozens of hotels, a few condos, shops (sports shops are very well equipped), and a beautiful pedestrian square in which converges the afternoon apres-ski.

Can you hear sax music in the background?

Campiglio has always been a high-level tourist resort — very popular with Italians from the central and southern regions, and more recently with Eastern European and Nordic tourists — and has an important competitive tradition through the famous Tre-3 track that regularly hosts a World Cup slalom.
Just one fly in the ointment: the beautiful surrounding scenery is virtually invisible from the village. You can only see the wonderful Dolomites from the slopes around the area ...

Ski area

As I said above, Campiglio is located in the center of an extraordinary ski area. From all points of view, it is definitely one of the most stunning areas in the Alps. The tracks are all beautiful, perfectly kept, with the Dolomites offering amazing views. From the village you can ski on three sides (of course perfectly connected to each other): Pradalago, 5 Lakes and Grostè / Spinale. Moreover, the ski area of ​​Madonna di Campiglio is also connected with the ski areas of Marilleva / Folgarida and Pinzolo (this one through a brand new cableway). With some exceptions (some really "vintage" chairlift in Campiglio and Marilleva), the lifts are modern and fast. The lifts company is very honest in declaring 150 km of slopes.

Yes I know ... I've said this before, but this time I assure you that I really had trouble in finding my favorite runs. We are speaking  of an area that has very many, long and interesting tracks. I must say that I was lucky enough to try them on particularly beautiful days: sun, heat, good snow ...  Ok tell me to get lost now...

 3 Tre the superstar
Fis 3 tre/ Canalone Miramonti  (pista 2 e 3 area Campiglio) This is one of the many myth runs of the European Alps ... Much has been written about it (and much will be written in the future, since the World Cup face stage is going to be held here in 2014 and 2016). That's why if you go to Campiglio, you can’t avoid to do this track at least once. The most famous part is the final one over which the World Cup slalom takes place. It is more beautiful for its splendid location in a pine forest than for the track itself. I suggest you to take the chairlift Patascoss and ski also in the upper part (a beautiful red), and then join to the black part that leads to the slalom stage.

Amazzonia (6 Campiglio) Another very popular run of the area. The reason for this name remains a mystery to me, surely this black run that starts from the arrival of the gondola Pradalago is truly remarkable. 600 meters drop, almost entirely in the woods, it alternates beautiful steep parts (not impossible) with milder ones. The width of the run allows you to ski safely. My advice is still to go down the track early in the morning and enjoy these immense spaces (almost) alone.

If you need space... Amazzonia!

Central part of Spinale direttissima
Spinale direttissima (25 Campiglio) This long track, which has always been feared and respected, offers a fantastic first part for almost everyone with many grades changes and, usually, good snow. The last part can actually create problems, especially to beginners and intermediate skiers (in this case read about the snow conditions in this section and if you are not expert skiers in the case of hard snow and ice avoid this part of the run: a chair lift can take you back to the top Spinale). I found it funny that you can find a clear sign warning of the extreme difficulty of the last part only when you have already started going down this part of the track ... The lifts Company must have a macabre sense of humor ...

Orti/Marilleva (16 e 17 Marilleva) After two slow chairs the reward is this beautiful track (actually two tracks, but one is a continuation of the other), little known and highly technical. After the first part most exposed, the second goes down in the woods, reaching the (sad) village of Marilleva (1400m).

Mastellissima (32 Marilleva/Folgarida) This pleasant trail is ideal to relax and enjoy a day of good weather. Unfortunately, many people think the same way: it is a fairly busy route ... especially in the last part of the day ... so avoid it in the afternoons ...

Tulot ( 17 Pinzolo) The only track that reaches the valley of the Pinzolo ski area is this long and amazing black runway. I recommend starting it from the 2100 meters of Dos Sabion. It goes down until the 800 meters altitude of the departure of the gondola. The low altitude tends to be felt especially in the last section and in the second half of the season ... be prepared to packs of ice or very wet snow...
Valley floor... in every sense: Tulot arrival


Skipasses are not very cheap: a day pass for Madonna di Campiglio lifts in high season (from February to mid-March) costs €44, and includes all the lifts of the skirama 46. Six days Campiglio only costs €219, and the Skirama €247. The Christmas period is obviously more expensive. In the remainder of the season you can save a few euro (for more information visit

Skitrotter Tips
  • Restaurants in Campiglio tend to be quite expensive: half board in your hotel could be a good opportunity.

  • Alternatively consider to leave Campiglio (if you have a car) to dine in one of the many restaurants along the road between the village and Pinzolo.

  • The difference in price between the Campiglio ski pass and that of skirama Campiglio, Val di Sole, Pinzolo is minimal: if you are good skiers do not hesitate to choose the latter.

  • The Grostè area is very scenic (read suitable for non-skiers), with very simple slopes (read suitable for beginners), with a magnificent snowpark (read suitable for snowboarders). The social mix that comes out is really interesting…

  • Treat yourself to an apres-ski drink at the bar Suisse in the pedestrian square. You may feel out of place but will have lived the most of your "Campiglio" experience!

Meltin pop at Grostè...


Madonna di Campiglio, Trentino, Italy

By car: fom Italy, from motorway A4, exit Brescia Est, then state road 237 until destination (125 km), 
from Austria, from Innsbruck A13 e A22 until S. Michele all’Adige then state roads 43, 42 and 239until destination (225 km).

Airport: Bergamo, Orio al Serio, 178 km


Tonale-Ponte di Legno (47 km)

Visualizzazione ingrandita della mappa

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