mercoledì 23 gennaio 2013

Vars, France (English)

Vars, La Foret Blanche
Versione Italiana qui

The first time I went to Vars I was younger, and therefore fitter. I had the old Liras in my pockets and the skis were far from having the modern sidecut. In a nutshell, it was very many years ago. Lately, thanks to two of the most patient friends of mine, I went back to this town that, inexplicably, is unknown to most people (excluding skiers from the south of Piedmont, longtime regulars). I‘m speaking of the ski area La Foret Blanche: about 50 lifts and 185 km of ski runs (declared) that combine the tracks of Vars with those of the near Risoul. A remarkable ski area in Brianconnaise (ideally close to the Italian border ... but consider 2 and a half hours from Cuneo and almost the same from Turin). The village, pleasant and equipped, certainly lacks the charm of other resorts in the area: the large and anonymous buildings built over thirty years ago are scattered in the beautiful larch forest that characterizes the area. In recent years, they’ve tried to give the place a more "alpine" look, using materials such as stone and wood for the latest constructions. Undoubtedly, compared to nearby competitors, Vars offers less expensive ski holidays.
The World Cup stage of the Speed Skiing has long taken place here (usually at the end of season), and from 24 to 26 January 2014 Vars will also host the World Cup of this discipline... so if you are on hand, don’t miss the event!

Ski Area

My favourite runs are in purple...

As I mentioned above, the district comes from the union of two areas, Vars and Risoul, and offers many options for all tastes. Vars itself offers the opportunity to ski on two sides. The views are really beautiful, starting from the Pic De Chabrieres (2,750 meters), where a breathtaking view ranges from the lake Embrun to Mount Meije and Monviso. The east side of Vars (Peynier) has a setting very similar to those you can find in North America. The only small inconvenience is that some lifts are a bit dated. A massive modernization process has done a lot but, for example, several T-bar skilifts still remain (French style ... male skiers are warned!). On the other hand, the areas served by these lifts are often almost deserted ...

Here are my suggestions.


Peynier Start your day on this side (beautifully exposed). The Peynier track is a very nice red one. Admire the giant larches while you have fun on this track, where you will find very few other skiers. The reason? You'll find out at the end of the run: to go back you have to take two fast but awful T-bars (see the warning above ...).

we are on the top of Peynier... or in the USA?

Olympique This long track has a nice exposure. Varied and served by two fast quad chair lifts, it covers a difference in altitude of nearly 900 meters. The last part may have ice packs especially during periods of lack of snow.

Coni  Face with courage this dizzy wall with humps but, thankfully, short. The easy run that you will find at the end will allow you to regain your strength. To give you an idea of the steepness, consider that on your left there’s the track for the athletes of the Speed Skiing...


Homme de Pierre  Take one of the two ski lifts in the area and choose the run that inspires you the most: you will find uncrowded slopes and fabulous landscapes. Especially after a snowfall, here you can invent new tracks in the woods ...

Homme de Pierre, no one here... and beautiful tracks...

Skitrotter Tips
  •        If you decide to go to Vars taking the state road of the Colle della Maddalena, you can buy the day tickets at a very discounted price along the road (10 euro less on 37,5 of the day pass): for example, in the tobacconist in Demonte (under the arcades on the right, going up to the Colle della Maddalena).

  •        There are significant discounts for the week pass if you book (and pay in advance) a week in promotional periods (e.g., January): check the official website.

  •       For lunch on the slopes you'll be spoiled for choice ... I liked the hut at the top of Peynier: sun and a beautiful view.

  •       Unfortunately the ski lift Chabrieres remains the only way to go to Risoul from Vars (for the return you will have several alternatives instead). The queues here can be endless. Plan your day in order to take this lift in the less crowded times of day (early morning or lunchtime);

  •      Parking: if you come just for a day of skiing, you will find that your first problem is to find a parking space (a legal one!) for your car. I recommend the parking lot of the chairlift Peynier: it is farther from the village but close to the start of this lift and almost always with empty spaces.

Peynier hut... great views!


From Italy, from Cuneo: state road 21 of the Colle della Maddalena, D900 and D902 to your destination (about 165 km). CAUTION: always check the status of this street (both Italian and French side) before leaving and still avoid doing this road with cars NOT equipped with snow tires.
From Turin: take the motorway Torino-Bardonecchia to Oulx, then state road No. 24 Monginevro, N94 until Guillestre, D902 to the destination (155 km).

From France, Briançon: N94 up to Guillestre, D902 to the destination (50 miles).
From Marseille E51, N94 until Guillestre, D902 to the destination (250 miles).

Turin Caselle (165 km)
Marseille Provence (255 km)


Serre Chevalier (50km), Les Orres (46 Km), Pra Loup (45km)

Visualizzazione ingrandita della mappa

More Info

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